
You! Branded


Join the Fun!


and I'm not just talking about the reason you're on this page,
I'm talking the reason you're on this planet lady!

You want to authentically make your mark in the world through your personal brand.

You want to understand how to market yourself online in a way that gives high-level value and engages your audience.

You are ready to share your story, both personal and professional, in a way that motivates your audience to take action.

You want a personal brand that is seen, breaks through the noise and delivers on the mission you’ve created to your audience.

The idea of laying a strong brand foundation that allows you to build, expand and scale without starting over, excites the sh*t out of you.

And more importantly, allows you to effortlessly market YOURSELF online - that means your story, your expertise, your voice and so much more

Right now, are you... 

Feeling a lack of consistency with your
messaging and content?

Struggling to produce quality content that not only attracts an audience, but also engages them?

Feeling all over the place with your branding and desperately trying to pull it all together?

Tired of not attracting the right people to your brand and struggling to make a sale?



And although it feels like the struggle-bus won’t stop coming (lady, I feel you on this one) I’m telling you there is a way to have all this and more.

It Starts With You!

And in order to move forward, for your content to start performing and the sales to consistently come in, a few things need to happen...

πŸ₯‘ You need to break free from your lack of consistency when it comes to creating content that spreads your message.

πŸ₯‘ You need to tap into your ongoing content inspiration so you can create high-value content for your audience.

πŸ₯‘ You need to demand more than stale marketing strategies that will be outdated in 30 days and focus less on sounding like a robot and instead, start sounding like your most authentic self (this is where true connection lies).

πŸ₯‘ You need to overcome comparisonitis because let’s just be honest with ourselves lady - this is most of the problem.


Let’s imagine for a second all of this was possible.

That you were able to break through these pains keeping you spinning in circles and instead imagine if...

You had customers find you rather than chase them down (look there should be no chasing in dating and DEFINITELY not in business either).

Your brand led to a steady stream of customers and built trust for client retention because it’s easier to sign recurring clients than constantly focusing on finding new ones.

Your brand represented you and not some pre-made cookie cutter brand laid out for you by “gurus” and “strategist” who are so disconnected from showing up online in the first place.

Your brand allowed for consistency in income, ideas, marketing and therefore clients.

Your brand felt so damn good that your confidence poured from everything you created (introvert or extrovert, I don’t care) it’s totally possible for you! 





Too many entrepreneurs are focused on creating a business and not focused on creating a brand. While the business is the product, the brand is the experience and the experience is what connects and therefore sells.

Pro tip: Spend time and energy building your brand and the successful marketing will follow.

Because my dream for you is not $10k in 10 days and then nothing. Or a business that explodes and then falls flat, my goal for you is consistency.


What a great question, lady?

I’ve been doing this whole branding thing for a really long time. After spending my college years studying Advertising and Public Relations, I went on to work at a large PR Firm where I honed my messaging, client-attraction and publicity skills - little did I know I was learning the fundamentals of branding as well.

I went on to work for years as a Communications Manager for a large non-profit where I branded and messaged the nonprofit for major community exposure, fought for advocacy on Capitol Hill in DC and implemented marketing strategies daily as a way to build brand awareness.

I fell in love with the idea of creating a single mission and using the power of messaging, content and social media to create a movement that would impact the world.

And then my entire world switched gears when 3 years ago I started my business as a way to stay home with my son.

Now it was my turn to brand myself and I struggled.

I tried so hard to mimic what everyone else was doing in their business, spent tons of time trying to finalize my colors and fonts (which took way longer than I ever want to admit), studied how people were posing for their brand photos and what props they were using, that I seriously lost sight of who I was in the process.

And if I couldn’t clearly see what I had to offer the world, how would I expect others to see it as well?



But here we are three years later and I’ve figured it out. I’ve created a consistent 6-figure cash business 3 years in a row and as a result I've worked with hundreds of women to support them in branding themselves in an authentic way while growing their online businesses.

Because if you’re not willing to take the time and energy to create your personal brand online someone will do it for you - that’s just the way the internet works today.

Wouldn’t you rather be in the driver's seat?
I know I would.

Through my 7 years working in the marketing industry I’ve come to create what I call the Brand Foundations, and I'm giving you the deep strategies for these foundations as part of You! Branded.

I'm so excited to introduce you to You! Branded

The first online course of it’s kind focused on bringing your story to life as the center of your brand and giving you the tools to share your message with the world. Because when we focus on THIS, profitability will follow.

You! Branded is for creative service-based entrepreneurs ready to create a personal brand that shares their story and authentically connects with and builds community in alignment with their mission.

Just like you crave authenticity, your audience wants and needs the same,
and the future of this industry depends on it.

You don’t need another course collecting dust or another checkbox on your to-do list; you need actual results, and that’s exactly what You! Branded delivers.


6-Part Branding Framework

comes to life in easy-to-consume content in You! Branded

Module One


  • Follow my signature Uncover Your Story framework so you can identify the most impactful stories for your brand as a whole and how to showcase them as part of your brand.
  • Clarify your niche and consistent brand statement so you can move forward in carving out your own special place in the market.

Module Two


  • Understand what’s really needed from your market research so that you can stand out from other experts in the same industry and attract the right people.
  • Finally have a step-by-step proven system that allows you to better understand the needs of your audience so you can to connect more deeply and build trust.

Module Three


  • Create unique messaging for your brand so that you can't be ignored and results in sustainability not just next week or next month, but for years to come.
  • Understand the making of strong messaging with my Core Brand Messaging Formula and how it leads to more conversions. 

Module Four


  • Create your one-of-a-kind offer so that you can remove the “salesy” feeling from selling and feel confident in promoting your paid services.
  • Identify your own brand framework that can be replicated for everything you sell moving forward allowing you to create consistency in your offers and better scalability.

Module Five


  • Tap into your authenticity to better showcase your stand-out brand so you can attract your soulmate client without losing the parts of you that make you unique.
  • Master the art of storytelling and learn how to effectively communicate micro stories so you can create content that connects you with your audience while still providing high-level value.  

Module Six


  • Learn to masterfully connect on a deeper level than most and build trust more efficiently and faster than before.
  • Create a visual representation of your brand (complete with colors, fonts, photos and more) so you can blast your competition out of the water without even trying. 

When I first found Michelle… I thought my branding was good. But looking back... I was kind of a mess. I had what I like to call “Shiny-object Syndrome” where I kept changing things based on what I saw other people doing. Every time one of my competitors or a major entrepreneur I loved would post something I would question myself. Michelle taught me to tune out all distractions and really stay true to ME, to be consistent on every level, and to have clarity in communicating my brand with potential clients. And you know what happened… my bookings increased, I was able to raise my prices without losing clients, I was more confident in myself and in my message, social media content flowed out of me because I was inspired and passionate about it… BECAUSE IT WAS MINE. My posts started getting sky-high engagement. My website was converting. My brand was true to me while still attracting my ideal clients and resulted in a thriving business. A business that made 3 times as much money in 6 months than what I did in the previous year TOTAL. And I 100% credit that TO MY BRAND that Michelle helped me find. Michelle is a branding EXPERT. Truly THE BEST of THE BEST.”


- Ariel Dilworth, Photographer and Educator

Before I started working with Michelle I had a logo that was based on very little aside from the fact that I liked it and I liked the colors. I didn’t consider myself as having a brand and I didn’t even know what branding meant. Through working through Michelle’s branding process I was able to identify my ideal client and really get into her head and figure out what she needs and wants which then helped me to shape not only my logo, but my messaging and helped me to tailor my branding to appeal and attract my ideal client.”


- Ericka Mendez, Veterinary Personal Development Mentor

At the end you will have a bold, captivating and money-making personal brand. You will be able to consistently and authentically show up online to share your message without wasting time, energy or any more money trying to brand yourself online.

Michelle’s approach is so refreshing. I love how she really gets you to dig deep and asks thought-provoking questions that I had never explored before. Many courses I had taken in the past always talked about finding your passion, your interests ect - but never delved into the power of emotional branding like Michelle did. Her hands-on approach, down to earth attitude and transparency was refreshing. I was connected to her story, her work ethic, her warmness and honesty. I appreciate her approach to building a strong foundation from the start. If you are ready to get serious about your brand and put in the work, I highly recommend Michelle’s course!”


- Lora De Vries, Accountability Coach

It’s not about the logo

It’s not about a complex, take-you-months website

It’s not about templates 

It is about YOUR story

It is about YOUR audience

It is about YOUR authentic voice

It is about YOUR communication

It is about YOUR unique offer

It is about YOU!


“As a brand designer, the foundations and brand work Michelle teaches is incredibly important when it comes to creating a brand identity. Without the key pieces that Michelle teaches, there’s no way to design a brand that matters, speaks to your ideal client and fully represents you and your story. I recommend this course to anyone who is unclear on their story and how to reach their ideal clients through the power of emotional branding, which is something I’ve never seen taught before!"


- Kirsten Atkins, Brand Designer

“Since starting to work with Michelle I feel so much more clear and at ease when it comes to putting myself out there. My messages are consistent and on brand, creating content that used to take me hours is now so easy because I'm confident that it is on message and fits with my brand. Because of this, I've been putting myself out there more and I have been amazed at how quickly things have been happening since doing so! Just yesterday I got 4 inquiries, 3 from a completely cold audience and all of them mentioned how my message resonated with them. Michelle has helped me so much in getting clear on exactly what I have to offer and using my own story to connect with my ideal client in a deep and authentic way!"


- Laura Froyen, Ph.D, Peaceful Parenting and Relationships Coach



You are a creative service-based entrepreneur interested in being the center of your brand.

You are ready to share your deeper mission with the world.

You believe in the power of community.

You believe in making a difference with your business first and massive compensation second.

You know it’s your time to share your story!






You don’t plan on showing your face or sharing your story as part of your brand.

You are looking for overnight success.

You aren’t open to learning proven strategies that have sustained the test of time and ongoing social media changes.

You’re looking for a quick fix.


“WOW! I can't even begin to tell you how much [Michelle] has impacted my business. I was so lost. Rambling on in posts that no one noticed, hiding behind incomplete and boring branding... Michelle helped me break free from boring, discover how much I have to offer, and how to create a brand and message that draw my ideal clients to my business. I am more consistent and stand out in the sea of Facebook groups, my posts are getting more attention and comments, and I am confident in my messaging. Michelle KNOWS her stuff and I can't wait to see the impact this training has on my business when I get all the pieces together and in place! Upon investing, I had my very first $5k month!! Without clear messaging and a standout brand, I'd never been able to reach this income level."


- Jena Liat, Pinterest Strategist

When You Join


Lifetime access to the program + all new updates added as needed. 


Instant access to 6 pillars to support you in creating your authentic, standout and profitable brand. These include Your Story + Unique Selling Value, Signature Market Research Framework, Creating Messaging Consistency, Sharing Your Expertise, Amplifying Your Authentic Voice and Tapping into Your Emotional Brand


Six workbooks and six video trainings to break the process down step by step.


10+ video trainings to support you in going the extra step in creating a profitable personal brand.


Feeling a lack of consistency?

Struggling to produce quality content?

Feeling all over the place with your branding?

Desperately trying to pull it all together?

Tired of not attracting the right people to your brand and
struggling to make a sale?

Feeling out of alignment with why you started this
business in the first place?

Finally ready to create a profitable brand?

This course supports you in moving through all of these struggles.


Because I’ve got to know, how is focusing on vanity metrics (i.e. # of followers, subscribers, etc) going for you? 

How exhausting is it trying to follow a new marketing strategy every freaking month?

How much time are you wasting searching for answers online?

My guess is you feel overwhelmed, exhausted and slightly defeated with the whole process.

What if there was another way? Hint: There totally is!

STOP trying to fit into someone else's brand or expectations of how you should show up online. 

You’ve got what you need, you just need help playing up the great stuff, pulling it all together and packaging it for the world.


“I had spent a year and a half floundering around with my marketing, never feeling solid on the messaging of my business. Michelle worked with me to get super clear and create inspiring, clear messaging to include on the sales page of my website. Not only did this create clarity, but has become the basis of finally feeling CONFIDENT in myself, my program, and the way that I change women’s lives through my work. Thank you Michelle!"


- Clarissa Findley, Courage Coach

“Without my work with MK the process with the designer would have been much longer and more drawn out. MK’s branding process has you get crystal clear on your story, your niche and your ideal client. Your brand comes naturally once you know these pieces. Your colors, logo, graphics reflect you and your story. If you don’t know your story then you'll have a hard time visualizing it and therefore bringing your brand to life. After working with MK, I hired a designer and she nailed it on the first draft. She gave me two logo and brand designs - by combining the two I found my signature logo. It was the work I did to brand myself that has allowed me to clearly communicate my mission with both the designer and my online community."


- Romy Weiss, Career Transitions Coach


The program begins the second you sign up. You will receive instant access to the membership site where you will find every single module and training ready for you to dive in. This is a completely self-study program that can be done at your own pace.

Yes, because I focus on the fundamental pieces of a business first and foremost and then the brand comes naturally after. If you are just starting out this is an amazing place to start.

Yes! If you aren't seeing the results from your efforts online, I'm talking limited engagement, not hitting your consistent income goals and working "really" hard to try and find your clients then this is for you. It's time to go back to the basics and create a brand that compliments your big business goals.

That depends! If you're ready and willing to build trust with your community through your personal brand (i.e. share more of your story, why you created the product and the process behind making it) then yes!

Most designers aren't trained in branding and messaging. They are dang good at bringing your brand to life, but you'll have a better experience and final product if you are grounded in your story, niche, audience and messaging before you hire them. Not to mention, your designer will love you if you bring them a completed brand overview - they will be able to create their best work.

My approach to branding is different than what others are doing! I believe in branding as the heart of your business, which means the foundation of your business (niche, ideal client and messaging) should be in place before the aesthetics can be created. This course will support you in creating the visuals of your brand, but also so much more. At the end of this program you will have clarity on your ideal client, messaging, copy and of course the look and feel of your brand.

Branding is so much more than just a logo and this program sets you up for creating a well-rounded brand that is a true reflection of you and what you have to offer.

At the end of each module I ask deep questions to help you reframe your beliefs around sharing your story with the world. There is both mindset and strategy with running a business and we address that in this program.


Join the Waitlist and receive my Personal Brand Roadmap as a special thank you!